Drone attack on Russian oil depots conducted by Security Service of Ukraine confirmed

Photo: Security Service of Ukraine conducted series of drone strikes on Russian oil facilities in Rostov region (GettyImages)

The attack on oil depots in Rostov region with the use of drones is a special operation of the Security Service of Ukraine (SSU), according to the informed source.

According to the source, last night, Ukrainian drones targeted the Rostov oil depots Azovsk and Azovnefteprodukt, which together have 22 fuel tanks.

Local residents reported drone strikes on targets throughout the night. The highest concentration of explosions occurred near the railway station and the port area, where the oil depots and fuel terminals are located.

After the successful operation by the Security Service of Ukraine drones, massive fires broke out at the facilities.

"The SSU will continue to implement 'drone sanctions' against the Russian oil refining complex and reduce the enemy's economic potential, which provides resources for the war against Ukraine," the informed source stated.

Overall, SSU drones have conducted more than 20 successful attacks on Russian oil complex facilities in various regions.

Explosions in Rostov region due to drone attacks

Previously reported that on the night of June 18, there was a drone attack in the Rostov region (Russian Federation), resulting in a fire at an oil facility.

Earlier, on the night of June 15, explosions were heard in the Rostov region of Russia. At that time, the local governor claimed there was a drone attack and air defense activity.