TV star invites 45 people to ultrasound room as unborn baby gets 'stage fright'

As if there were 45 people in the ultrasound room on TLC’s Unexpected?! The technician did not look too impressed with the successful turnout – and the unborn baby may have stage fright.

TLC‘s Unexpected viewers are now joking that she “should have just booked a movie theater” with the huge turnout of family, from her baby father to her mom and siblings.

Aniyah invites 45 people to ultrasound

Aniyah invited 45 family members to her ultrasound on TLC’s Unexpected. Fans are now joking that the baby will have stage fright with such a huge audience, which involved some attendees having to sit down.

With many viewers claiming the technician looks “embarrassed,” the likes of Aniyah’s baby father, Dakwon, and mother, were in attendance, while she had her baby’s health checked.

One viewer said, “There are WAY too many people in that room for just an ultrasound. #unexpected,” while another penned, “Couldn’t they just put the picture in a group text?”

Unexpected star faces health scare

As Aniyah, who is 17, began to notice her stomach feels really tight, she was rushed into hospital for an emergency appointment. Her mother had never heard of preeclampsia, but the doctors were concerned.

The “scared” mom-to-be said it “hurts really bad” while she “can’t breathe.” It was Aniyah’s grandmother’s idea to send her to hospital as her mom “didn’t think it was that serious.”

“She said, ‘I’m pregnant so obviously I’m going to hurt sometimes,’ but like, I was hurting all day to the point where I was crying,” Aniyah told cameras, but her mom said it was “nothing to be scared of.”


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