K Sports Cobdown Ground sold to new owner and stops trading suddenly

A sports ground has closed suddenly as new owners are set to take over.

Cobdown Sports Ground in Ditton has been sold and closed its sports and entertainment offering through K Sports Management.

Cobham Sports Ground off Station Road, Ditton

In an email seen by KentOnline, which was sent to customers from the company, it says the business will cease trading and the closure is effective from Monday, June 17 at 10am.

The email, titled K Sports Closure, says: “This is to announce to you that Cobdown Sports Ground is officially being sold and so K Sports Management Ltd is ceasing trading.

“Unfortunately, due to the nature of the sale, closure will be effective from Monday 17th June 2024 at 10am, when K Sports will permanently close to allow the new owners time to move in.

“We appreciate that this is all happening incredibly quickly, but we thank you for your custom and support over the years and wish you all the best for the future.”

The 28-acre site includes floodlit artificial grass football, rugby and hockey pitches, plus four grass pitches.

It also includes a gym, squash courts and clubhouse which offers a restaurant, sports bar and function room.

Cobdown Sports Ground is "officially being sold"

In the email announcing the notice, K Sports say it is working with its membership provider to refund people who have paid for usage beyond June 17.

K Sports Management has been contacted by KentOnline for a comment.