Hanse Day Festival in King’s Lynn was excellent

In his weekly That’s Entertainment column, Andy Tyler looks back at a successful event held last weekend and forward to what’s coming up…

As always there’s no shortage of events and entertainment to report on, and this week is no exception.
Despite early dull weather the sun soon came out and visitors enjoyed The Hanse Day Festival last Sunday. It was great to join the parade led by Lynn’s deputy mayor Andy Bullen and see the colourful Hanseatic flags held by the participants, both young and old. Live music was provided by The Cambridge Waites, DNA and other contemporary bands and members of The Lithuanian Society, in national costume, danced.

A Hanseatic film was shown, river trips on the Baden Powell replica fishing smack given, and plenty of fun activities for youngsters and families held, with stalls and refreshments along the riverfront. A great day; thanks to all the visitors and those who supported the exciting event in whatever way.

Hanse Festival in Lynn at the weekend