Travellers descend on Hook Meadow playing fields in Walderslade Road, Chatham

A playing field popular with travellers has seen its first influx of caravans this year.

Up to 25 vehicles descended on Hook Meadow in Walderslade Road, Chatham yesterday (June 17) almost exactly a year after they last pitched up.

Up to 25 caravans have descended on Hook Meadow in Walderslade Road, Chatham
Travellers appeared on Hook Meadow playing fields three times in six weeks last summer

The green, which is popular with dog walkers and children who play in the recreation area, has been taken over by large vehicles in a repeat of events last summer which saw travellers regularly set up there.

Between June and August last year caravans arrived three times in just six weeks leaving nearby residents living in fear, having faced hostility and anti-social behaviour from previous groups.

One lady who asked not to be named, told KentOnline: “People are frightened to go out and leave their properties unoccupied in case they are broken into.

“Last time, people had garden furniture stolen and we were all subjected to the travellers’ children repeatedly banging on our doors and windows, sometimes at 11 or 12 o’clock at night.”

She also reported looking out her window and seeing a man openly urinating in the field in front of her.

Hook Meadow is a popular place with dog walkers and children
Up to 25 caravans have descended on Hook Meadow in Walderslade Road, Chatham

A police spokesman said: “Kent Police was made aware of an unauthorised encampment at Hook Meadow, in Walderslade Road, Chatham, at 8.22pm on Monday, June 17.

“Officers are liaising with the landowner and will provide assistance where required.”

Under the Police, Crime, Sentencing and Courts Act 2022, police in England and Wales were given new powers to address harms caused by such unauthorised encampments and new guidance was published.

It comes amid a shortage of gypsy and traveller sites across the UK.

A Medway Council spokesperson said: “We are aware of the group and are following a civil legal process to move them on.”