Watch: CNN guests clash as conservative fact-checked on key issue

Scott Jennings -- CNN screenshot

A discussion on CNN Tuesday seemingly became difficult for conservative Scott Jennings when his Democratic opponent came prepared with facts and nuance in their debate.

In a debate over the anniversary of Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, or DACA, and immigration as a whole, a flummoxed Jennings shouted "amnesty" rather than debate facts.

Jennings ranted that President Joe Biden should have done several things on his first day in office, which Democrat Maria Cardona corrected, saying there were things done on that first day.

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Republicans notably stopped their own landmark immigration law, which had a deal between both sides for the first time in decades. Trump told them he wanted to attack Biden on immigration during the 2024 campaign, so GOP lawmakers couldn't pass the bill and give the Democrats a "win."

Cardona complained that Trump had four years in office, including a point during which Republicans held the House and Senate. They failed to pass any reform as well.

She then hammered Jennings on purporting to be a pro-family conservative while also trying to tear families apart.

It's "kind of rich" because "what this actually does, Scott and Jim, this keeps American families together when Republicans scream that kids need a father and a mother will guess what, then join us?" said Cardona. "Because this is exactly what this executive action is doing."

Jennings joked, "I'm actually just going to give in and say that I think Maria should go over to the White House today and encourage Joe Biden to run on as much amnesty as possible."

Cardona jumped on the comment, saying that it delivered nothing of the sort and that using words like that is "lazy." She cited polling data that dives into the nuances of the issue beyond unrealistic ideas like "mass deportation." When questioned about individual pieces such as border security and a pathway to citizenship for those brought to the U.S. as children currently in the DACA plan.

Jennings sarcastically cackled at Cardona, demanding to know if Americans think canceling Trump's executive actions is wise. Executive orders are an inside baseball term that few Americans remember, much less understand.

"This is good policy, and it's good politics," Cardona said, encouraging Jennings to put solutions before politics and pass meaningful legislation.

See the debate below or at the link here.

Watch: Conservative folds on immigration after Democrat brings the receipts