Biden And Clintons Raise Record Funds At Democratic Backyard Fundraiser In McLean

On Tuesday evening, Biden’s campaign reception was the talk of the town. According to his team, it was the highest-grossing backyard fundraiser in the history of the Democratic Party, raking in a $8 million from 450 attendees. The scene? The swanky McLean home of former VA Governor Terry McAuliffe. And the guest list? Hillary Clinton and President Bill Clinton, of course.

Biden stepped onto a grand stage in the middle of the room, flanked by blue drapes and the American and Virginian state flags. He kicked off his thirteen-minute speech by thanking Terry McAuliffe for his unwavering support in 2020, recalling how “a lot of people believed that we couldn’t win,” and again in 2024. He also extended heartfelt thanks to the Clintons, affectionately referring to them as “Bill and Hillary,” and calling them “dear friends” and “great Americans.”

Addressing Bill Clinton, Biden said “Bill holds the record for the most jobs created. And I’m hoping in another four years I can get close.”

Biden echoed sentiments from his recent LA fundraiser, emphasizing the stakes of the upcoming election on Supreme Court appointments.

“I said in 2020, we were fighting for the soul of America, and here we are in 2024. What we’re fighting for is clear. It’s freedom, in the literal sense. Freedom, democracy in America. Because all of you in this room, all of you in this camp, our supporters around the country, look at how far we’ve come.”

The threat Trump poses will be greater in a second term than it was in his first term

President Joe Biden

He warned that if Trump secures another term, he could appoint a total of 5 justices, asserting, “We can’t let that happen.”

Biden’s speech predominantly focused on critiquing Trump, spanning from infrastructure and tax policies to what he termed Trump’s relentless attacks on the justice system and fixation on the 2020 election.

“Trump has made it clear, if he wins, he’s going to undo everything we’ve done,” said Biden. “Folks, for the first time in American history, a former president is a convicted felon and is now seeking the office of the presidency. But as disturbing as that is, what’s more damaging is the all out assault. Donald Trump is making on our system of justice, Literally, all out of assault, and he’s being supported by the Republican Party. Not because he was convicted but because of the way he’s tried to undermine the system.”

Biden spoke about the impact of Trump’s return to power. “The threat Trump poses will be greater in a second term than it was in his first term,” said Biden.

Addressing inflation, Biden warned voters of a potentially exacerbated situation under Trump, predicting, “Trump’s going to make it a hell of a lot worse.” He cited Trump’s proposals for a 10% tariff on all imports and a complete overhaul of the income tax with a tariff-based system. Biden argued this would unfairly burden lower-income Americans with higher taxes.

“He’s desperate. He’s out selling Bibles and gold sneakers. What’s more troubling, he’s selling out his presidency to the highest bidder down at Mar-a-Lago,” Biden said of Trump.

The president concluded his address by praising Virginia as a “proud” military state and reflecting on the recent 80th anniversary of D-Day.

Turning his attention to Trump he criticized him for past comments about the military and became visibly emotional when recounting his late son, Beau’s, own service.

He emphasized the role of American soldiers on D-Day, urging, “Now we’ve got to do ours.”

As Bruce Springsteen’s “Born in the USA” played, Biden exited the stage.