I cleansed my room of negative energy using help from 'witches' and I feel a difference

After a recent renovation in my bedroom and office, I sought help from witches and spiritual practitioners to help me cleanse the space of negativity and unwanted energy.

Interest in spiritual practices has boomed over the last few years, in part due to exposure on apps like TikTok. Whether you’re into crystals that help you stay productive or stay up-to-date with astrology-related phenomena, there has never been a better time to get your witch on.

Credit: Unsplash/Denis Oliveira

How to cleanse your space of negativity

Last week I finally completed some renovations within my dual office-bedroom space, doing away with bland colors for something bold. Though I still have some decorating to do, the room is mostly finished.

At the same time, I also found myself on WitchTok, a dedicated community of spiritualists, witches, and everything in between on TikTok. It was here that I was turned on to the act of cleansing a space or object of energy and the methods used to do it.

Of course, I am no shaman or wizard with the basic knowledge to crack on a cleanse my space of negativity, but that’s where the experts come in.

For psychic medium Heather Carlucci, the cleansing process begins way before you even light your incense. As one of the “most intimate and the most powerful” spaces in your home, she recommended smoothing reflective surfaces with white vinegar.

“A major dusting—-vacuum, mopping of all floors, closets, and vents. Dust holds skin and hair follicles of humans and animals and therefore holds a lot of energy that no longer serves the space,” she added.

Using smoke as a cleansing method

Credit: Unsplash/Renee Kiffin

Cleansing using sage and incense was by far the most common cleansing method on TikTok, racking up nearly 180k videos. But with differing ingridients and ethical practicses to consider, I thought it best to touch base with some experts.

MeShawn Churko, a certified crystal healer and shop owner, suggested using “ethically harvested white sage or palo santo incense” for my cleansing purposes.

MeShawn also shared a mantra with me that read: “With this smoke, I release all negativity from this space. May it be filled with light, love, and positive energy. Only peace and harmony may enter here. So it is, so it shall be.”

When it came to the actual method of wafting, clairvoyant Janet Rae Orth said to carry a bowl under your incense or sage to prevent fallout.

“Go through each room and wave the sage so it clears the air. Think of it like sweeping, you sweep the entire room and move it all to one point,” she told me. “Then move it out the door and go to the next room. Include any large closets too. Continuing to sweep from one side or end of the home to the other. Ideally you want to plan this so you can end at a door way. Like the front or back door.”

To conclude the process, you should then sweep the negative energy out of the backdoor.

Cleansing using crystals

Credit: Sarah Brown/Unsplash

Of course, there is more than one way to skin a cat, or in this case, cleanse a room of negative energy. Another worthwhile avenue could be crystal cleansing, which MeShawn Churko can be a “transformative power” in your space.

“Place clear quartz and selenite strategically throughout your home to amplify positive energy and clear energy blockages,” MeShawn explained. “Additionally, position tourmaline near doorways to absorb negativity and prevent it from entering your space.”

Cleansing my room will become a regular occurance

Credit: Unsplash/Caroline Attwood

Admittedly, I already owned most of the stuff that the above experts said was essential for cleansing a room of negative energy, I just wasn’t sure how to properly use them.

With the right knowledge under my belt I was able to smoke cleanse my room using incense sticks, ensuring to get the smoke into all the crevices. I then placed the approoriate crystals on their marks.

If anything, it put my mind at ease. Though I don’t lie awake at night wondering how much negative energy is clustered in the corners of my room, cleansing the space did spark an air of transformation.

Sure, it was the same room as before, but my perspective and outlook had been altered by what I deemed as a post-cleanse state.