Emiliana Torrini sets a box of old love letters to music in new album

A box of old love letters provided the inspiration for new songs by Icelandic singer and songwriter Emiliana Torrini. The result is a wonderful summer album. Dean Rogers/Grönland/Rough Trade/dpa

The irresistible "racka-dongka ka-dong ka-dacka racka dong-dong" of her vocalized "Jungle Drum" made her famous around the world 15 years ago.

She's also long been known to fans of the "Lord of the Rings" trilogy after she sang "Gollum's Song" for "The Two Towers", the second part of the fantasy series, in 2002.

Since then, Emiliana Torrini, a versatile Icelandic singer with Italian roots, has been somewhat quiet. But now she's back in the spotlight with her first album in 10 years and an accompanying European tour this summer.

The new album - "Miss Flower" - is based on a box of love letters that a close friend inherited after the death of her mother. The recipient of the letters was one Geraldine Flower, whom Torrini knew well herself, and is said to have had a very eventful love life.

"She had nine proposals and never married," Torrini says on her website. "Men were obsessed with her, and some letters are of that heartbreak, some of great lust, some reference espionage, and secret meetings and others are very humorous."

The stories in the letters from the old days were so captivating that Torrini felt inspired.

Over a period of two years, one song turned into two, and then more and more, until Torrini finally had material for an entire LP.

Torrini, who has lived in the UK for many years, creates fascinating worlds of sound on her eighth studio album that are a pleasure to listen to.

The songs inspired by the letters deal with powerful feelings ("The Golden Thread"), desire ("Miss Flower") and self-determination and an unclear connection between Geraldine Flower and a CIA employee ("Black Water").

"Dreamers" is somewhat reminiscent of the sound of Goldfrapp. The title track "Miss Flower", which reads like a letter, sounds like a sexually charged declaration of love. The gentle, danceable "Black Lion Lane" is also wonderful.

This original, eclectic mix of songs is pleasantly relaxed - the perfect soundtrack for both balmy and rainy summer evenings. "Miss Flower" is out on June 21.

EmilianaTorrini tour dates

July 11-13: Trenčín, Slovakia
July 20: Ostrava, Czechia
July 25: Karlsruhe, Germany
July 26-27: Dortmund, Germany
July 27-28: Eltville Am Rhein, Germany
September 28: Reggio Emilia, Italy
September 29: Milan, Italy
October 2: Geneva, Switzerland
October 3: Winterthur, Switzerland
October 5: Stuttgart, Germany
October 6: Cologne, Germany
October 7: Leipzig, Germany
October 8: Hamburg, Germany
October 10: Copenhagen, Denmark
October 12: Fredericia, Denmark
October 14: Utrecht, Netherlands
October 15: Antwerp, Belgium
October 16: Tourcoing, France
October 17: Paris, France
October 20: London, England
October 22: Vienna, Austria
October 24: Berlin, Germany
October 25: Prague, Czech Republic
October 26: Bratislava, Slovakia
November 10: Reykjavík, Iceland

Emiliana Torrini's first album in 10 years - "Miss Flower" - is due out on Friday, June 21. Grönland/Rough Trade/dpa

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