US will do everything to stop weapon supply to Russia from DPRK and Iran

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken (Getty Images)

The United States will do everything to stop the supply of weapons from Iran and North Korea to Russia for the continuation of the war in Ukraine, according to US Secretary of State Antony Blinken.

"We’ll continue to do everything we can to cut off the support (for the war against Ukraine, - ed.) that countries like Iran and North Korea are providing," he said.

According to him, the Kremlin is desperately trying to strengthen relations with countries that can provide everything necessary for the continuation of the war in Ukraine, especially with Iran and North Korea.

"We are very much concerned about this because this is what’s keeping the war going," Blinken said.

Furthermore, the Secretary of State added that the quickest way to end the war in Ukraine is to deprive Russian dictator Vladimir Putin of the notion that he can outlast Ukraine and all its allies, especially if he knows that the fuel necessary for his war machine will no longer be available.

Putin's visit to North Korea

Today, Putin arrived in North Korea for a meeting with dictator Kim Jong-un. The Washington Post believes that the Russian dictator wants to request additional weapons from North Korea.

Recently, NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg expressed concern about the support Russia could provide to North Korea's missile and nuclear programs.