Brussels set to take aim at big spenders as post-pandemic deficit rules kick in

The European Commission monitors excessive budget deficits ©AP Photo

The European Commission will later today (19 June) unveil an economic package focused on the members it sees as having excessively high budget deficits, a move likely to have explosive political consequences.

Brussels’ fiscal rules were designed to ensure the euro’s stability – and gained extra prominence when a crisis in Greece and Cyprus sent the currency into a tailspin around a decade ago.

They were suspended when Covid-19 made large government spending packages the norm – but, after much wrangling, a more flexible version of the rules was agreed earlier this year.

Under the EU’s treaty, countries can be fined if they fail to cut government spending or raise taxes enough – and it’s easy to see which countries might be in the firing line.

But that could prove significant as France, predicted to have a deficit of 5% of its economy next year, heads to legislative elections.

Stay tuned for the latest on who’s likely to be targeted.

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