Lack of aid to Ukraine could split EU and NATO - German Finance Minister

German Finance Minister Christian Lindner (Getty Images)

German Finance Minister Christian Lindner calls on the German government for more open communication regarding its policy on aid to Ukraine, citing the Rheinische Post.

"We need to openly explain to the residents of eastern Germany the German government's policy on Ukraine," he said.

It's not just about helping Ukraine with weapons supplies, refugee assistance, and economic support in its defense against Russia, but also about German interests. The minister sees significant risks if nothing is done to counter the aggression of Russian dictator Vladimir Putin and his aggressive war against Ukraine.

"If we accept Russia's violation of international law and aggressive war, the EU and NATO could disintegrate. Because Poles and Czechs, for example, will ask themselves if we will abandon them in an emergency as well," Lindner said.

He added that Germany would have to accept several million more refugees from Ukraine and take care of them if the country fell.

"This would be many times more expensive than the assistance we are providing now," the minister emphasized.

German aid to Ukraine

Since the beginning of Russia's full-scale invasion of Ukraine, Germany has played a significant role in providing military aid to Ukraine's defenders. Its contribution is the largest among all European countries.

An important step was the provision of the advanced Patriot missile defense system to Ukraine. This weaponry significantly strengthens the country's air defense, protecting it from enemy aircraft strikes and missile attacks.

Recently, German Defense Minister Boris Pistorius announced a new aid package for Ukraine.

Additionally, German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock warned of serious consequences for Berlin and NATO if aid to Ukraine is withheld.