Kazakhstan ready to join investigation into attempted murder on journalist Sadykov, President says

President of Kazakhstan Kassym-Jomart Tokayev (Getty Images)

Kazakhstan is ready to join the investigation into the attempted assassination of Kazakh journalist Aidos Sadykov, according to the President of Kazakhstan Kassym-Jomart Tokayev, reports TengriNews.


Yesterday, June 18, an attempt to assassinate Kazakh opposition journalist Aidos Sadykov took place in Kyiv. An unknown made several shots at the victim, who was in the car with his wife.

Later, the Kyiv City Prosecutor's Office launched a pre-trial investigation.

The journalist's wife, Natalya Sadykova, says that her husband is currently in serious condition. Doctors have not yet made any prognoses, but are doing everything they can.

She says that Sadykov is a thorn in Tokayev's side.

“He (Tokayev - ed.) is the main orderer of this murder, and I have no doubt about it,” she said.

Kazakhstan ready to join investigation

According to Tokayev, he instructed the diplomatic missions, as well as law enforcement agencies, to send a request to Ukraine about the assassination attempt.

“If necessary, Kazakhstani official bodies are ready to join the investigation to assist in uncovering the truth,” he added.