Watch: Biden Malfunctions During Amnesty Speech as Decline Continues

@RNCResearch / X screen shot

Uh-oh. The leader of the free world is glitching again. Time to run damage control!

The latest brain freeze from President Joe Biden came during his announcement Tuesday that he was going "to offer potential citizenship to hundreds of thousands of immigrants without legal status in the U.S.," according to The Associated Press. (For those of you unfamiliar with media newspeak, "immigrants without legal status" is a cumbersome, politically correct four-word way to say "illegal alien.")

The measure -- introduced partially in response to progressive activists having an anaphylactic reaction over the president's decision to finally pretend to pay attention to the ongoing border crisis -- would allow the ilegal-alien spouses of some American citizens to apply for legal residency and, eventually, citizenship.

Naturally, the AP focused on the parts of Biden's remarks at the White House that passed for soaring rhetoric, at least from this president.

“The Statue of Liberty is not some relic of American history. It still stands for who we are,” Biden said during his remarks, according to the AP.

“But I also refuse to believe that for us to continue to be America that embraces immigration, we have to give up securing our border. They’re false choices.”

That was the part where he got the teleprompter reading right. Good for him. The AP, however, neglected to report on the part of the speech where the president forgot the name of the secretary of the Department of Homeland Security.

BIDEN (malfunctioning): "...homeland security secretary, uhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhhuhuhuh" 😳

— RNC Research (@RNCResearch) June 18, 2024

The blue screen of death just hit Biden's cerebellum. Give him a few minutes to reboot.

Just in case you'd forgotten, too, the DHS secretary's name is Alejandro Mayorkas. Perhaps Biden forgot because Mayorkas' job is to keep the homeland secure; the border crisis is pretty much proof that he could not show up for work for a few weeks and no one might notice.

Naturally, the Biden contingent on social media pounced using the latest tactic to defend the 81-year-old marionette: The idea that these videos are "misleading" and lack context.

The Washington Post, for instance, ran an entire piece on this last week explaining away the president's outré behavior at D-Day celebrations in France on "selectively edited clips of him circulated online to paint the picture of a physically and mentally challenged commander in chief."

Just in case you missed those "selectively edited clips" -- which the Post and other liberals have taken to calling "cheap fakes," which is to say that they're like "deep fakes" created with artificial intelligence but, you know, real -- here's a handy primer on Biden's Gallic misadventures:

Joe Biden highlights in Normandy on the 80th anniversary of D-Day:

\- Sits in an invisible chair
\- Forgets where his seat is
\- Talks about how many Russians died in Ukraine
\- Gets pulled away by Docta Jill as Macron greets D-Day veterans.

— Greg Price (@greg_price11) June 6, 2024

So, naturally, a user who describes herself in her X profile as "Not MAGA" and uses the hashtag "#DontFearTrumpMockHim" posted the "Unedited version," as if to imply that this clip of Biden clearly forgetting who the DHS secretary was just happened to be an aberration:

Unedited version.

— Sandy (@sandiechill) June 18, 2024

To which journalist Rita Panahi of Australia's Sky News had the most salient comeback:

It’s exactly the same, idiot.

— Rita Panahi (@RitaPanahi) June 18, 2024

And it was exactly the same, except that Biden eventually recalled his DHS secretary's name, and tried to cover the lapse by saying "all kidding aside." Here's the entire video posted by CBS News X account. The critical point takes place about the 6:05 mark:

WATCH LIVE: President Biden gives remarks as he unveils a program that could give half a million undocumented immigrants legal status

— CBS News (@CBSNews) June 18, 2024

And it's not like this is an uncommon occurrence. Biden has forgotten the name of Health and Human Services Secretary Xavier Becerra; the name of both Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin and what the Pentagon is called; and referred to former Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison as "that fellow Down Under."

Joe Biden forgets his own HHS Secretary’s name: “Xavier…uh...Mr. Secretary”

— RNC Research (@RNCResearch) July 9, 2021

Whoops: Biden forgets the name of the Pentagon, as well as the name of his secretary of Defense, Lloyd Austin

— Tom Elliott (@tomselliott) March 8, 2021

#Biden [pointing his finger at #ScottMorrison]: "That fellow Down Under."#BorisJohnson: *smirks*

— Logic Geometry, Information (@LGcommaI) July 16, 2022

Cheap fakes, all of 'em. This guy is as sharp as a ...oh, goshdarnit ... what's that thing, the metal ... you use it to pin things on those boards, like kindergarten teachers with drawings ... boy, those teachers in Scranton, when I was growing up, they were the hardest working people I know, and my dad used to tell me, "Joey, remember, educators are our future. Or kids are our future and the teachers ... he said something about how teachers are important, that's the point."

Just as "disinformation" became "misinformation," and "misinformation" then got defined down to "anything that looks bad for us," "deep fakes" are becoming "cheap fakes," which is already defined down to "anything that makes Joe Biden look like the senescent meat puppet that he is."

Just ask the secretary of DHS ... uh, uh, uh, what's his name? Corn Pop? Sounds about right.