Faversham and Mid Kent candidate Helen Whatley’s general election campaign billboard vandalised

An MP has called for “kinder politics” after her general election campaign billboard was defaced with graffiti.

Faversham and Mid Kent hopeful Helen Whately’s promotional sign on the northbound A2 near Brenley Corner has been daubed with what appears to be black paint.

Helen Whately's sign on the A2 near Brenley Corner in Faversham has been vandalised. Picture: Sam Johnson

Ms Whately is the Conservatives' prospective parliamentary candidate for the July 4 elections.

The vandal wrote “useless” over “Helen”, and scrawled “don’t” above “vote Conservative”.

The MP-for-nine-years’ front profile image has also been crudely defaced with blacked-out teeth, a beard, glasses and horns.

The letters “Con” in “Conservative” have also been underlined on the sign, which is situated in a busy spot on the major dual carriageway.

Graffiti is an offence under the Criminal Damage Act 1971.

Helen Whately is the Conservatives' parliamentary candidate for Faversham and Mid Kent. Picture: David Holbrook

Sentences range from a conditional discharge from the magistrates’ court for minor damage, to up to 10 years imprisonment at the Crown Court where damage is more than £10,000.

Alternatively, offenders may be handed a fine or community service order – a punishment often meted out to young offenders.

In response to the vandalism, Ms Whately told KentOnline today: “You can’t win every vote!

“Sadly lots of people are put off standing for election by things like this.

“There is such a range of views locally and it’s important to be respectful of everyone’s.

“We all have a part to play in making our politics kinder.”

It is not the first time property relating to a Kent MP has been targeted by mindless vandals.

In 2017, the words “war terrorist” were scrawled on a wall outside Damian Collins’ offices in Folkestone.

Similarly, in 2015 Charlie Elphick’s windows were hit with red paint reading: “No to war.”

Helen Whately is currently standing in Faversham and Mid Kent for the conservative party.

She is joined in her election race by Mel Dawkins for Labour, Hannah Perkin for Liberal Democrats, Maxwell Harrison for Reform, Lawrence Rustem for British Democrats and Helen Temple for Green.