Cars damaged with bricks in Lambarde Road and Betenson Avenue, Sevenoaks

Residents in a number of towns woke to find their cars had been smashed with bricks overnight.

Three vehicles were damaged overnight between Lambarde Road and Betenson Avenue areas of Sevenoaks. Picture: Alex Jee
A number of parked cars were damaged. Picture: Alex Jee

Bricks were found on the bonnet of cars and on the seats after apparently being used to smash the windscreens and windows of the vehicles.

Patrols attended and were helped by British Transport Police in their search for suspects.

Inquiries are ongoing and no arrests have yet been made.

The attacks happened the same evening as more than 20 cars parked in villages between Canterbury and Dover were targeted in a similar way.

Anyone with information should call Kent Police on 01622 604100, quoting reference 46/99565/24.