Latvia's governing coalition loses majority in parliament

Latvian Prime Minister Evika Silina pictured during a meeting at the government office. Kay Nietfeld/dpa

The governing coalition in the Baltic EU and NATO member state Latvia has lost its parliamentary majority.

It follows the resignation on Wednesday of a member of a regional party from the parliamentary group of the co-governing left-wing Progressives. Latvian radio reported that the politician, Edgars Zelderis, wants to continue working in parliament as an independent.

As a result of his resignation the three-party coalition led by Prime Minister Evika Siliņa now formally holds 50 of the 100 seats in parliament. However, the coalition is also mostly supported by two non-aligned lawmakers.

Silina's government is made up of her centre-right party Jauna Vienotiba, the Progressives, and the Union of Farmers and Greens.

The three-party coalition had 52 seats when it took office following a change of government in September 2023, but an internal row in Siliņa's party led to the expulsion of one of its members shortly afterwards.

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