Blind man's story of the 'most romantic thing' someone has done is 'pretty incredible'

Maybe roses and chocolates are the things that pop into your mind when thinking of romance. But a blind man’s ‘most romantic’ experience proves that love has no definite form.

Influencer couple Matthew and Paul’s romance is the ultimate couple’s goal; what they do for each other is incredible. In a YouTube clip, the blind artist reveals a heartwarming moment he shared with his husband.

Copyright Westend61 / Alvaro Gonzalez

Blind man shares his ‘most romantic’ experience

Paul has lost 90% of his vision to an untreatable eye disease called Retinitis Pigmentosa. He claims he only has a pinhole vision.

In one of his videos, his husband Matthew asks him about the most romantic experience he’s had, before presenting the conventional options such as chocolates and towels folded in the shape of a swan.

But Paul says he had the most memorable time with his current husband and then-boyfriend Matthew, who had replaced all the light bulbs in his home with 100-watt bulbs, so his blind partner could have a better view of his surroundings during their date.

Paul was truly touched by Matthew’s thoughtful gesture because they had only been dating a few weeks when he had his most romantic experience, and it remains one to date.

The couple is popular on TikTok, YouTube, and other social media platforms for documenting their lives. Paul uses his own life to inspire others who are visually impaired.

Fans think it’s ‘pretty incredible’

The true value of a gift is determined by the thought behind planning it. What Matthew did for his blind partner was “pretty incredible” as one fan describes it.

“That’s a pretty incredible thing to do for a blind person so early in a relationship. Matthew is a very smart lovely caring partner and you two compliment each other so well,” read one comment.

Another added: “This goes to show each person is an individual. What you find romantic may be weird to someone else. The littlest things make a relationship.” A third comment read: “That’s so nice. Everybody take note, this is what consideration looks like.”

Paul was previously in the news for alleging that he and his service dog Mr. Maples got kicked out of a restaurant because he “doesn’t look blind”.

In one of his videos with over 15 million views, he claims that he and his pet were subject to one such incident at an unnamed restaurant in Seattle.