Grove Cottage shines spotlight on creating inclusive spaces for Learning Disability Week

Grove Cottage in Bishop’s Stortford is embarking on an ambitious project with a simple slogan - A better building for a brighter future. In the last of six articles for the Indie, the charity celebrates Learning Disability Week from June 17 to 23.

This week, we shine a spotlight on the vital importance of creating inclusive spaces that cater to everyone in our community, particularly those with learning disabilities, to ensure they are seen.

This year’s theme is “Do you see me?” about challenging the barriers faced by people with a learning disability.

Mother and daughter Marie and Syd talk about what Grove Cottage means to them. Picture: Megan Lovell Photography

Having access to buildings and services is just one. Our new building is more than just bricks and mortar; it’s about ensuring that individuals like Syd can access and enjoy everything Grove Cottage has to offer.

Twenty-one-year-old Syd embodies the spirit and necessity of our project. Here’s her story: “My name is Syd. Grove Cottage has been a part of my life since I was just two. From starting in their nursery to now regularly attending three of their wonderful clubs, I have had the most amazing opportunities.

“I even got to perform at the Royal Albert Hall with the Music Man Project and celebrate my 21st birthday at Grove Cottage in the Park. It was the best birthday ever!

Grove Cottage's Music Man Project members entertain youngsters at the nursery

“Without Grove Cottage, I wouldn’t have become part of an incredible community where I have had the privilege of meeting some of my favourite people and newfound family.

“Words can’t express what Grove Cottage means to me. It has offered both myself, my family and so many other families the support and love we’ve always wanted!

“One of my favourite memories is giving my mum a plant I grew myself for Mother’s Day—it was so special. The dedicated staff and volunteers have played a crucial role in my journey, and I will forever be grateful to them.”

As Syd’s mum, Marie, shares: “Grove Cottage has been a lifeline for us. When Syd was two, we were overwhelmed and unsure of where to turn. “Grove Cottage provided a safe haven, incredible stimulation, and total acceptance not just for Syd, but for us as parents as well.

Peter, Syd and Josh are ready to shine, performing for Grove Cottage

“Their support was invaluable, helping us navigate a world we were unfamiliar with and eventually embrace wholeheartedly.

“Over the last 19 years, Grove Cottage has continued to offer the same level of support and respite, providing Syd with fantastic opportunities and helping us forge lifelong friendships.

“As all parents say, if my child is happy, then I’m happy. Grove Cottage has certainly made Syd very happy, and their amazing staff, selfless volunteers, and wonderfully diverse service users have become an integral part of our daily life and an extension of our family.”

Syd with Music Man Project founder David Stanley

Currently, our building’s outdated facilities limit access for wheelchair users like Syd. Our vision for “A Better Building for a Brighter Future” is to create an inclusive, accessible environment where everyone can thrive.

This includes installing ramps, creating wide doorways, and accessible restrooms, and ensuring no one is left out of the incredible opportunities at Grove Cottage.

The current, cramped Grove Cottage building

Richard Smith, Grove Cottage’s treasurer, says: “We’ve been planning this for 10 years, investing considerable effort into finding new locations and evaluating the best options.

“Ultimately, we decided that rebuilding rather than relocating was the best choice to maintain our strong community ties and ensure we can meet the specific needs of our members.

“With the support of the community, we will be continuing to provide all our clubs and services during the build.”

We are reaching out to our community and supporters this Learning Disability Week to help us bring this vision to life.

With your support, we can ensure Grove Cottage remains a beacon of hope, support, and community for many more families.

Join us in making a difference. Together, we can build a brighter, more inclusive future for everyone.

We will provide monthly updates for Indie readers and the community, but in the meantime, follow us on social media for the latest news @grovecottagemencap.

For more information see