‘Very enjoyable’: James Allison now shares the key difference between Toto Wolff and other F1 team bosses

Mercedes team principal Toto Wolff is one of the most fascinating characters in the Formula 1 paddock.

When his team are winning, Toto Wolff appears friendly and pleasant, although he’s not afraid to share how he really feels if he thinks things have unfairly gone against Mercedes during a race.

Speaking on the Beyond The Grid Podcast, Mercedes technical director James Allison has spoken about his relationship with Wolff.

The 52-year-old Austrian is the CEO and joint-owner of the team and understandably has a huge influence on the team’s progression and a massive amount of emotional investment in their highs and lows.

Allison has now shared what makes Wolff different from other team principals that he’s worked with.

Their relationship was pivotal in creating one of the most impressive dynasties in the history of Formula 1.

James Allison shares what’s different about Mercedes team principal Toto Wolff

Wolff has been in Formula 1 for 15 years now having previously bought a stake in the Williams team.

He was executive director when Pastor Maldonado achieved the team’s most recent victory at the Spanish Grand Prix 12 years ago.

Wolff then made the move to Mercedes in 2013 three years after their reintroduction to the grid with Nico Rosberg and Michael Schumacher their initial partnership.

The Austrian’s arrival coincided with Lewis Hamilton joining from McLaren and they formed a partnership that earned Mercedes eight straight Constructors’ Championship.

After Hamilton lost out to Nico Rosberg in 2016, Allison arrived from Ferrari having already won seven championships of his own with the Scuderia and Renault.

Photo by Chris Graythen/Getty Images

Allison has worked at the very top of Formula 1 for decades and it’s no surprise that Mercedes re-established their dominance once he joined Wolff in the garage.

The 56-year-old technical director has now shared what makes working with Wolff ‘very enjoyable’ and so different to the other environments in the world of F1 he’s experienced.

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Toto Wolff a unique leader in the world of Formula 1

Asked about his relationship with Wolff, Allison said: “Well, we didn’t know one another when we started. We know one another very well now as a result of working together all that time. We’ve been through a massive amount together.

“We know each other’s strengths and each other’s weaknesses. And I’d say that in good times or in bad, the thing that has made that relationship one that for me has been really a very enjoyable thing is that of the big bosses I’ve worked for, Toto [Wolff] is the one who has the self-confidence to cope with the fact that I’m quite outspoken.

“I don’t worry about the effect of what I’m saying will be on my career. I just try to say what I think is important.

“And that can be quite direct and difficult to hear sometimes. And Toto has been very, very generous in letting me say those things and being able to argue them out with me without getting bent out of shape over it.”

Both Allison and Wolff will hope that the form the team showed in Canada can be maintained at the Spanish Grand Prix.

Allison admitted that Mercedes have made key changes to the car in the past three races and that appears to have had a positive effect on their performance.

The Circuit de Catalunya typically rewards cars that are well-balanced and kind to their tyres and will give a good indication of the current pecking order on the grid.

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