The state of play on Hyeongyu Oh's future as increased offer emerges for Celtic striker

Celtic forward Hyeongyu Oh spent the second part of last campaign on the periphery under Brendan Rodgers.

Despite showing signs of promise, the South Korea international’s impact at Parkhead was curtailed due to Adam Idah’s arrival in January, and he could now be set to depart this summer after registering five goals in 26 appearances across 2023/24.

Last week, reports broke that Belgian outfit Genk has reached an agreement in principle on personal terms with Celtic to sign Oh, with both clubs still negotiating over a fee for his services.

It was said that a sum of £4.2 million plus add-ons could be the figure exchanged; however, latest developments shine a new light on the situation.

The state of play on Hyeongyu Oh’s Celtic future

According to HLN, Genk have ‘increased their bid’ to try and capture Oh after seeing an initial offer knocked back by Celtic, though no fixed amount regarding a fee has been mentioned in their report.

The outlet also claim that Malaga striker Roberto Fernandez is ‘firmly in the picture’ as an option for the club, which could signify they are targeting both forwards or have an alternative name on the radar to the former Suwon Bluewings man.

Photo by Ian MacNicol/Getty Images

It does seem likely that Oh will depart this summer regardless of what transpires in the coming days. Brendan Rodgers has made it clear he wants Norwich City’s Idah back at Parkhead on a permanent basis, even if he is set for a frustrating wait on that front.

Johannes Hoff Thorup is keen to have a look at the Irishman in pre-season; however, with recruiting a new frontman on the agenda for Celtic, Oh would likely be pushed further down the pecking order despite hispositive goals-per-game ratio.

Truthfully, it is hard to envisage anything other than a clean break between both parties. Hopefully, if a deal is shook on between Genk and the reigning Scottish Premiership champions, Rodgers’ men can be handsomely compensated.