Microplastics in penises: The latest top stories from dpa trends

The penis has joined the list of places where scientists have discovered pieces of the increasingly omnipresent microplastic, tiny shards of plastic shed from carelessly discarded rubbish.

Human foetuses and testicles are other places where these tiny pieces of plastic have recently been found. This week we've looked at their ever-growing presence and the potential threat they bring.

We've also explained what you can do if you see someone getting a nose injury like Mbappé did at France's first Euro 2024 football match earlier this week. This and lots more to come on dpa trends.

Coman Hamilton,
dpa trends & features


TOP STORY: Penis joins list of places where microplastics are being found

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Next up on trends:

\- Google Chrome integrates 'listen to this page' mode for Android users

\- Extend strawberry freshness with this simple vinegar trick


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