Easy test uncovers warning sign you may have a calcium deficiency - it only takes seconds

Calcium deficiency can cause many health issues, including bone disorders, muscle issues, and heart-related problems. If you aren’t sure about calcium levels in your body, there’s a quick and easy test you can do yourself.

Even though a medical professional’s opinion is recommended to find out if you lack any nutrients, just like the obvious signs of magnesium deficiency we shared yesterday, Chvostek’s Sign tells if you’re low in calcium.

Copyright DeniseBush

What calcium deficiency does to your muscles

Chvostek’s Sign is a clinical finding linked to low calcium levels in the blood. Registered nurse Sarah discusses the condition in detail in a YouTube video, explaining what it does to the facial muscles.

She says people with low calcium often experience irritability in their nerves and muscles. This is also seen in patients with low magnesium levels.

Low calcium or hypocalcemia results in a decreased threshold needed for the neuron to transmit the signal to the muscle. Therefore, low calcium causes hyperexcitability of the nerves, which makes them twitch when manually stimulated.

A stable calcium level is important for functions such as muscular contraction, hormone secretion, and blood clot formation. The deficiency can be caused due to underlying health conditions, poor diet, or lifestyle.

Simple test only takes seconds

A positive Chvostek sign means your body could have low calcium, whereas negative means the opposite. Follow the below steps to do the test.

  • Locate the Masseter Muscle, located at the angle of the lower jaw to the side. You can watch the above video to find the exact position.
  • Gently tap the muscle using one or two fingers.
  • Check if your facial muscles contract or twitch momentarily when you tap the Masseter Muscle.
  • It’s a positive Chvostek sign if the muscles twitch and negative if you notice no change.

Sarah is a certified nurse with a BSN and RN degree. She graduated from nursing school in 2009 with honors. On her social media channels, she provides NCLEX reviews, skills, school tips, & career help for students and nurses.