Is Melania Trump Headed to Campaign Trail?

Former First Lady, Melania Trump, sparked rumors when she was seen entering Trump Tower in New York after being absent from the public’s view for more than two weeks. has learned that the 54-year-old Mrs. Trump was spotted wearing an all-white three-piece outfit with the same color pumps which one expert says is an “echo of the past.”

Former President and First Lady Melania Trump waving to supporters at Mar-a-Lago in 2022. By: MEGA

Photographs depict her leaving the Secret Service SUV with her head bowed and face hidden from the camera by her hair.

Body language fundi, Judi James, told The Daily Express:

“The all-white look isn’t just about celebrity though, it’s a look she styled out frequently during the last days of the Trump reign at the White House when her radiant, fairy-godmother vibe looked wholesome and spotless.”

According to James, the look implies wealth and privilege:

“It’s another suggestion of wealth though as top-to-toe white is a challenging look when you’re navigating a city like New York and implies you’re all about the chauffeured limos rather than a grimy subway.”

Donald Trump is currently in Milwaukee doing damage control. By: MEGA

“As an echo from the past, it could suggest an intention to recreate her FLOTUS brand though, being eye-catching and confident but without looking deliberately attention-seeking.”

While Melania was making her semi-discreet appearance in the Big Apple, her former president-husband was in Milwaukee to canvas votes—a task that may have been easier had he not called the Wisconsin city “horrible”.

Notably, once Trump arrived there, his opinion changed dramatically.

While addressing the crowds he declared: “I love Milwaukee. I was the one that picked Milwaukee, I have to tell you. I was the one who picked it,” per The Hill.

The sighting comes after Melania distanced herself from Donald Trump's politics and legal battles. By: MEGA

Aware of the damage he might have caused with his previous remark he said: “These lying people that they say, ‘Oh he doesn’t like Milwaukee.’ I love Milwaukee.”

“I said you got to fix the crime. We all know that,” he continued. “You got to make sure the election’s honest, but I’m the one that picked Milwaukee,” he claimed.

Leading up to his visit, Donald’s staff attempted to put out the fire caused by his inflammatory remark. His campaign spokesman, Steven Cheung, claimed that the Republican front-runner was “talking about how terrible crime and voter fraud are.”

The effort proved futile as Democrats and certain Milwaukee locals had already digested the slur.

Melania Trump's outfit is seen as an "echo" of a bygone era. By: MEGA

Wisconsin’s Democratic campaign manager, Garren Randolph, summed up the left’s sentiments when he said:

“If Donald Trump thinks Milwaukee is so horrible, then he shouldn’t come to our city. Milwaukee – our state’s largest and most diverse city and home to more than 577,000 people, the Bucks and Brewers, and the country’s best beer – deserves better than a convicted felon, racist, and wannabe dictator who hates us and our values.”

President Joe Biden's election staff saw an opportunity and seized it; they printed T-shirts and stickers with the words: “(Not) a horrible city.”