Gaetz accuses McCarthy of 'working sinisterly' against him in pitch to GOP donors

U.S. Congressman Matt Gaetz speaking with supporters at an "An Address to Young Americans" event, featuring President Donald Trump, hosted by Students for Trump and Turning Point Action at Dream City Church in Phoenix, Arizona. Image via Gage Skidmore.

Earlier this week, the House Ethics Committee announced that a probe into US Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) is expanding to investigate "allegations of sexual misconduct, illicit drug use, accepting improper gifts, dispensing special privileges and favors to individuals, and obstruction."

A day after the committee released its statement announcing the expanded investigation, ABC News' Will Steakin reported that the committee "recently interviewed 'numerous women who were witnesses.'"

Steaken wrote, "In the interviews, which have previously not been reported, some witnesses have been shown Venmo payments they allegedly received from Gaetz and asked if those payments were for sexual activities, sources said. Some of the witnesses have been subpoenaed by the Committee while others have agreed to cooperate, according to the sources."

READ MORE: House Ethics Committee expands Matt Gaetz sexual misconduct and drug use probe

MSNBC's Steve Benen reports that the Sunshine State leader is attempting "to capitalize on the ethics probe with a new fundraising campaign."

According to Benen, Gaetz wrote to GOP donors this week, "[Former House Speaker] Kevin McCarthy, working sinisterly behind the scenes with the help of his Uniparty cabal, has orchestrated another wave of attacks — refusing to let go of me EXPELLING him as Speaker.'"

The Rachel Maddow Show producer emphasizes, "To the extent that such details matter, prospective donors who took the letter’s claims at face value made an unwise choice. For one thing, the Ethics Committee’s scrutiny of Gaetz began long before McCarthy claimed the House speaker’s gavel, and there’s nothing to suggest the Californian — who resigned from Congress six months ago — has anything to do with the ongoing investigation."

READ MORE: House Ethics witness offers investigators stunning testimony against Matt Gaetz

Benen's full report is available at this link.

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