YouTuber: UEFA tried to halt video upload of illegal stadium entry

German Youtuber Marvin Wildhage poses for a photo during a public training of the German national soccer team at the Ernst-Abbe-Sportfeld. Wildhage claimed that European football ruling body UEFA tried to stop him from posting a video in which he illegally sneaked into the Munich Arena for the Euro 2024 opening ceremony. Christian Charisius/dpa

German YouTuber Marvin Wildhage claimed that European football ruling body UEFA tried to stop him from posting a video in which he illegally sneaked into the Munich Arena for the Euro 2024 opening ceremony.

The YouTuber used a fake accreditation and a fake mascot costume to enter the stadium and make it to the pitch during the opening ceremony ahead of Germany v Scotland.

Wildhage documented everything in a video, including how he made the fake accreditation.

After the opening ceremony, he was discovered by UEFA's officials and banned from the stadium. The fake accreditation and mascot costume were seized.

He stated that after he was caught and detained, a "high-ranking UEFA official" warned not to publish the video, as UEFA would take decisive action against it.

"We decided not to agree to it. Accordingly, the video went online," the 27-year-old said in a video published on Thursday.

UEFA was approached for comment, but no response was received by late Thursday.

Wildhage has been charged with trespassing, obtaining under false pretences and forgery of documents, the police said.