Kyoto hotel's refusal to accommodate Israeli man illegal: city

A Kyoto hotel illegally refused accommodation to an Israeli man, citing possible ties with the country's military engaging in conflict in the Gaza Strip, the local government said Friday.

The city has instructed Hotel Material in Higashiyama Ward that such an act violates a law prohibiting hotels and other facilities from refusing to accommodate visitors except under special circumstances.

Israel's embassy in Tokyo criticized the hotel's action, calling the incident "a clear case of discrimination that is not in line with Japan's business law."

"This serious incident appears to be due to an employee's personal political views and is unacceptable by any measure," the embassy said in a statement issued Friday. "It is crucial that the hotel takes this issue seriously to prevent further harm and to uphold the values of respect and equality."

The city, having investigated the matter, said the hotel's justification for rejecting the man's online booking "is not a legitimate reason for denying accommodation."

The hotel declined to comment, saying a lawyer representing the facility is handling the situation.

Japanese Foreign Minister Yoko Kamikawa said it is "unacceptable" to refuse accommodation on the basis of nationality.

"We want all visitors to Japan will be able to engage in various activities in Japan feeling secured," she said at a press conference.

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