German cyclist Hessmann accepts short doping ban, to return in July

German cyclist Michael Hessmann is set to return next month after agreeing to a retroactive four-month ban in connection with a positive doping test last year.

Hessmann's lawyer, Rainer Cherkah, said that the 23-year-old rider agreed to the sanction proposed by Germany's Anti-Doping Agency (NADA). The start of the ban was moved to March and he can compete again from July 22.

The Jumbo-Lease a bike team member of Tour de France champion Jonas Vingegaard tested positive for a forbidden diuretic 12 months ago and was suspended by the team.

Cherkah said at the time that Hessmann had not doped intentionally but that the banned substance was in a contaminated over-the-counter pain killer.

NADA agreed after an analysis that this was the most likely scenario but still imposed a short ban on Hessman because athletes are held accountable for what substances they use.

Doping offences normally lead to a four-year ban.

Criminal proceedings against Hessmann ended in January due to lack of suspicion. Doping is a criminal offence in Germany.