Ex-Fox News host freaks out that 'deep state' that took down Nixon is coming for Trump

Composite image of Richard Nixon (National Archives & Records Administration) and Donald Trump (Shutterstock)

Former Fox News host Monica Crowley put former President Donald Trump in rare company when she likened him to two of America's most disgraced historical figures.

During a speech at the Faith and Freedom Coalition Conference, Crowley said that the struggles Trump is facing right now are akin to those faced by former Sen. Joseph McCarthy and former President Richard Nixon, who resigned when it became clear he was about to be impeached in the House of Representatives.

"By the way, Senator Joe McCarthy was right!" she told the crowd. "And he was trying to ring the bell in the 1950s about communist infiltration within our government! And the same deep state that is now going after Donald Trump, the same deep state that removed Richard Nixon, the same deep state that went after Ronald Reagan, and anybody else who stood up to them, that deep state became very insidious, and in the 1950s smeared and attacked Joe McCarthy for speaking the truth!"

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Of course, there was no "deep state" taking down any of these men.

McCarthy died in disgrace three years after the United States Senate overwhelmingly voted to censure him in a bipartisan vote.

Nixon resigned after it became clear that the House of Representatives would vote to impeach him for his attempts to cover up the Watergate break in, and that the Senate was more likely than not to convict him.

Reagan, meanwhile, was able to initiate an arms race with the Soviet Union that many historians say helped hasten communism's downfall in Russia, which would have been very difficult to do had the entire United States government been infiltrated with communist agents.

And Trump, of course, was impeached on two separate occasions: Once for trying to shake down the Ukrainian government to dig up dirt on his political rival, and another time for inciting a deadly riot at the United States Capitol after losing the 2020 presidential election.

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