Russian soldiers use drugs to fight fear, says Ukrainian military

Russian soldiers carry out offensives under the influence of drugs that eliminate fear of death, a 3rd Separate Mechanized Brigade commander thinks

“There have been repeated confirmations from the prisoners of war (POWs) themselves that they use drugs that do not cause hallucinations, but eliminate fear, making the Russian soldiers not to afraid to engage in combat,” he said.

“And I think soon there will be a video of the Russian soldiers continuing to attack even after having their arms blown off, their legs badly damaged, crawling with assault rifles and they continue to attack.”

Fokin recounted an incident in which a five-man assault group of Russian occupiers did not stop or take cover after two of their comrades were killed by mortar fire.

“Three soldiers keep moving. They do not stop, they do not lie down, they keep moving. One of the three soldiers was hit by an FPV drone, killed, it tore him to pieces. Two soldiers kept moving. Then one of them was killed in a firefight and the other was captured. But only because he had serious bullet wounds, he simply could not move anymore”.

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According to Fokin, the enemy in the Borova sector is reinforced by 200 to 400-450 soldiers every week. These soldiers undergo two weeks of training in Russia and another two weeks in the occupied territories of Ukraine before being sent to the front.

“What does it mean? Actually, it has its effect, because they don’t have the experience of active combat, they don’t understand the full impact of Ukrainian artillery and small arms fire, they think it’s normal and they continue to advance,” he said.

The issue of drug use in the Russian military was previously reported by the Ukrainian Armed Forces to CNN in December 2023. Ukrainian soldiers showed CNN journalists drone footage in which a wounded Russian soldier had his legs severed but displayed a disturbing smile, seemingly impervious to the pain.

On Jan. 15, the General Staff of the Ukrainian Armed Forces reported that the Russian invaders were being given drugs and psychotropic substances to make it easier for them to carry out assaults.

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Section: Nation

Author: Андрій Журба