Reader’s letter: Proud of town’s star athlete

I can't begin to say how proud I am to see Amy Hunt win gold in the European Athletics Championships.

I can well remember the first time she picked up a baton on the Barnby Road playing fields.

We couldn't offer her much in the way of sprinting prowess, but Amy represented us in football, netball, hockey, cricket and cross-country teams and of course the Newark Primary Schools Area Sports.

Always polite, full of smiles, a clever, unassuming and hardworking young girl.

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She was a joy to teach and coach as Mr Chamberlain, Mrs Kelly, Mr Barbuti and Mr Shephard will all attest, she shone in an exceptional year group full of sporting successes.

Knowing Amy and her lovely family, I would not be surprised if her netball and sports day medals were kept and hung up, not too far from her myriad trophies and indeed that fantastic European gold.

There will be many more medals for this exceptional young woman, she will surely soon become an Olympian ...but for me she will always be gliding down the old Magdalene field grass track while the lines were still wet, yards ahead of everyone else, practicing for sports day and delighting in beating our boys.

I’m sure all at Barnby Road and her many friends in Newark (past and present) will join me in wishing her even greater success in making the Olympic squad for France, no one deserves it more.

I can't wait to see what comes next. —

Kev Eveleigh

, ex Barnby Road head.