Far-right pro-Russian party may win mono-majority in French parliament

Marine Le Pen, French polititian (photo: Getty Images)

The far-right National Rally party, led by pro-Russian politician Marine Le Pen, may win a mono-majority in the early French parliamentary elections, according to survey.

A poll by the Odoxa Institute estimates that Le Pen's party may receive 33% of the vote in the first round of voting on June 30. Such a result could give the National Union between 250 and 300 seats in parliament, while the absolute majority would be 289 seats.

According to the poll, the left-green coalition "New People's Front" may come in second place. It has 28% of voters ready to vote for it, which will ensure 160 to 210 seats. President Emmanuel Macron's liberal political party, on the other hand, may receive only 19% of the vote, which would mean 70 to 120 seats in parliament.

However, the situation with votes may change in the second round, which will take place on July 7.

Early elections in France

The French president announced early elections to the National Assembly (the lower house of parliament) after his party's defeat in the European Parliament elections in early June.

Remarkably, Le Pen's political party won the elections to the European Parliament in France.