TV star's late daughter sobs over kids' custody before cancer takes her life at 29

Mama June Shannon’s eldest daughter Anna ‘Chickadee’ Cardwell tragically passed away after a cancer battle in December last year. Now, fans of Mama June: Family Crisis are seeing Anna’s last days play out during episodes of the show. Episode 22 sees Mama June talking to Anna about who gets custody of her daughters.

WeTV viewers watch Anna’s heartbreaking cancer battle during Mama June: Family Crisis. Talk turns to who will get custody of the late reality TV star’s daughters, Kaitlyn, 11, and Kylee, 8. At just 29 years old, Anna said she felt she was in the body of an “80-year-old” and sobbed over her daughters’ future.

Photo by Raymond Hall/GC Images

Mama June talks custody with Anna

During episode 22, Mama June and Justin Stroud go to Anna’s home to talk about her daughters’ future.

Mama June says it’s “definitely not a conversation that she wants to have with her daughter that’s 29,” adding: “If we don’t get Anna to sign this paperwork when she’s in good sound mind and body, a judge isn’t going to look at it.”

She explains: “Anna has two kids, we know when Anna passes that Kaitlyn, Anna’s youngest, will go to her biological father, Anna’s ex-husband.

Adding how she wants to “honor her daughter’s wishes”, June says: “But Kaitlyn is always up in the air. Her biological father has never been in the picture. We’ve got to know what is what.”

Credit: Screenshot via WeTV/Mama June: Family Crisis

‘Anna hasn’t told people she’s terminal’

During the Mama June: Family Crisis episode, Anna explains her husband, Eldridge, would arrive shortly, so that they could discuss her daughters’ future.

She explains how she’s feel low, as if she’s “going through chemo again.”

Anna says she’d usually be taking her girls to school, but she’d gotten to a point where she couldn’t anymore.

The 29-year-old was hoping to go into remission.

But, Mama June had her doubts, saying: “Anna’s body is tired and I know that. She’s told so many people that she’s not terminal, at 29 she doesn’t want to come to the realization.”

Anna tells her mom she can’t sleep properly: “Sometimes I can’t breathe… I feel like I’m 80 years old at 29.”

Anna cries over her daughters being split up

Encouraging her daughter to make plans for what happens after her passing, Mama June says: “We don’t want any say so over Kylee. I feel like the moment you take your last breath, her dad, Michael, is going to be in the front yard pulling her out of this house.

“Would that suck for everybody involved? it most certainly will.”

Anna says she understands her mom wanted her to get a will together and figure out what she’s doing with her girls.

But, she reminds her: “I’m still here, I still have plenty of time. So, just chill.”

Probing for a reason her daughter hadn’t done any paperwork, Mama June asks: “Are you scared to let that go, or are you having second thoughts about it?”

Anna explains she wants her husband, Eldridge, to have custody of her eldest daughter, Kaitlyn.

But, her mom says she’s “surprised” she wants Eldridge on the paperwork.

She says: “Kaitlyn Mama June’s late daughter, Anna, sobs over kids’ future custody – ‘She’ll be better off with me’ because there is stability but Eldridge has been in Kaitlyn’s life since she was five years old. “

Anna explains: “I know he can do it… I’ve got to push him. I want him to want it so much that he can’t stand it.”

Both Eldrige and Mama June agreed that the whole family wants to pull together to “make Anna’s wishes come true.”

He says: “Whatever makes her comfortable, I’m good with.”

Anna then sobs over the idea that her daughters are going to be split up. The heartbreaking scene sees her tell her family: “I just want everybody to be happy, and that means everybody’s got to get along.”

Earlier this month, Mama June exclusively told People Magazine that Kaitlyn lives with her and husband Justin.


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