Fox News host schooled by Dem senator on Trump’s lack of respect for rule of law

ISenator Chris Coons (R-DE), mage via screengrab.

US Senator Chris Coons (D-Delaware) on Sunday fact-checked Fox News host Shannon Bream on President Joe Biden's approach to the rule of law.

Bream suggested that the Biden administration won't respect the Supreme Court's possible decision of presidential immunity for former President Donald Trump this week.

"There's been some praise from the administration on things like the mifepristone decision — the abortion drug, leaving that on the market," the right-wing host said. "The justices did that. Also an 8-1 decision this week saying if you're under a domestic violence order you should not have access to a gun. But at the same time, the president will brag about things like defying the Supreme Court, who told him he could not forgive billions of dollars in student loans."

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Bream continued, "So, you talk about law and order. Will this president respect what comes from this court, with respect to presidential immunity, with respect to January 6, or does he just pick and choose the decisions he likes from the Supreme Court?"

Coons replied, "Look, I think there's a sharp contrast between former President Trump and President Biden, in terms of their respect for the rule of law, and how they approach both law enforcement and our legal system."

The Democratic senator continued, "Former President Trump was in a courtroom in New York, where he attacked the prosecutor, the prosecution, the judge, the jury, the whole process, before he was ultimately convicted by jury of his peers of 34 felonies, and subject to a gag order."

"President Biden — we just saw evidence of this this past week. His own son was convicted here in a court in Wilmington, Delaware and he did not ever attack or criticize or question the judge, the prosecutor, the jury, the process. In fact, he said he wouldn't use the pardon power. That is a sharp and clear contrast in how they respect the rule of law."

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