King’s Lynn woman is hoping its fourth time lucky in Miss Universe Great Britain contest

A Lynn woman is in the running to represent Great Britain at the Miss Universe pageant thanks to a rule change.

Alexa Taylor, a nanny, business owner, and agency-signed model, will be taking part in the 2024 competition and it will be her fourth attempt at achieving her dream of becoming Miss Universe Great Britain.

Organisers have removed the previous 27 age limit, which means at 33 she will be one of the oldest contestants at this year’s event.

Alexa Taylor is hoping to become Miss Universe Great Britain when the competition is held next month.

Alexa said she felt slightly lost when she thought her time of being part of such an “inspiring, fierce, and strong collective of women” was up.

As a result, she has found other ways to continue to be around like-minded women including volunteering in activities for multiple charities including Anna’s Hope, which supports children and young people with brain tumours.

She has started a campaign called ‘Books for better’ for Solace Women’s Aid, where she is fundraising to buy books aimed at empowering the women and children in refuge centres across London.

Alexa Taylor is hoping to become Miss Universe Great Britain when the competition is held next month.

Alexa used similar self-help books herself, which is why she felt it would be good to do it for other women.

Ahead of the Miss Universe Great Britain competition, which is being held in South Wales in July, Alexa is also fundraising for A-Sisterhood - an organisation that supports the advancement of women worldwide and has organised a very exciting giveaway.

This year, monies from the fundraising will go to several female-related causes including Stop Acid Attacks in India which helps survivors of acid violence. A donation will also be given to a female cause chosen and supported by the new titleholder.

Alexa Taylor is hoping to become Miss Universe Great Britain when the competition is held next month.

The final, which is being held on July 4 to 6 will include a Bring A Bra Ball organised for A-Sisterhood with finalists and their guests donating bras which will be sent to women in Africa in association with Smalls for All; an empowerment day lead by one of the UK’s foremost leadership coaches; and a catwalk show before a panel of judges from the beauty and fashion industry.

Alexa said: “I am really excited to have been chosen as a finalist for Miss Universe Great Britain this year and am looking forward to supporting A-Sisterhood as part of the process.

“Miss Universe is one of the biggest pageants in the world and I think it’s going to be a huge adventure as well as a lot of fun, in the lead-up to the final there is a lot that we have to focus on, prepare for and organise.

Alexa Taylor is hoping to become Miss Universe Great Britain when the competition is held next month.

“I am very thankful to the businesses who have joined me on this journey including Party and Prom in Norwich who have helped me find an amazing dress for the finals weekend.”

The Miss Universe Great Britain operates a NOT IN VAIN campaign as part of the competition which acknowledges the efforts and calibre of finalists. Under this banner, two awards will be presented to finalists.

They are an award for the finalist who raises the most for charity through the experience presented by A-Sisterhood and an award for the most inspiring finalist who shows dedication to empowering young women presented by the Miss Universe Great Britain national director.

Alexa also thinks its important for people to be more open-minded about the finalists.

She said: “There is still a lot of misconceptions behind beauty pageants and what it takes to be a part of one.”

Alexa said that one of the common narratives people have of beauty queens is that they are “airheads” and she wants to get the message across that is not the case.

She said: "When you take the time to get to know the women competing you will see that many are business owners, doctors, working in STEM, politics, engineering. Honestly, they are all incredible in what they have to offer as the potential Miss Universe Great Britain representative.”

As well as getting the opportunity to represent the UK for around three weeks at Miss Universe in Mexico at the end of the year, the winner of Miss Universe Great Britain will also visit humanitarian projects linked to A-Sisterhood.

National director of Miss Universe Great Britain, Paula Abbandonato, said: “We have an incredible line-up of young women at Miss Universe Great Britain once again this year. They all bring something special to the table and are proud to be feminists in heels. It’s going to be an excellent competition and I wish them all the very best of luck.”

If you would like to follow Alexas journey you can do on her instagram @Alexataylorldn - here you can discover more of her advocacy and where she is happy to answer any questions you may have.

If you would like to support her then you can help her win up to a 15-point head start by casting a free vote in the people's choice award. This can be done at: where she is no.2, simply hit the star below her picture. You can also see more on how to do this on her Instagram page.

The current Miss Universe Great Britain is 28-year-old Jessica Page from Liverpool. The current Miss Universe is Sheyniss Palacios from Nicaragua.