Apple and Meta 'in talks' over AI

Apple bosses are reportedly discussing plans to collaborate with Facebook's parent company Meta on new AI.

The mega-brand is already planning to partner with OpenAI to bring a form of ChatGPT into Apple's new version of Siri and now a new report featured in the Wall Street Journal suggests the company is also hoping to strike a deal with Meta to use the company's generative AI technology in their devices.

The report states the two companies have "held discussions" about the possibility of integrating Meta's tech into the new Apple Intelligence, which will mainly focus on writing assistance, image creation and editing, and enhancing virtual assistant Siri’s cognitive capabilities.

It comes after Apple CEO Tim Cook admitted he can't guarantee Apple AI will have "100 percent" accuracy.

While he is "confident" about the new systems, Cook won't "claim" it's totally error free.

Asked by the Washington Post if he is confident the technology won't "hallucinate", he said: "It’s not 100 per cent.

"But I think we have done everything that we know to do, including thinking very deeply about the readiness of the technology in the areas that we’re using it in.

"So I am confident it will be very high quality. But I’d say in all honesty that’s short of 100 percent. I would never claim that it’s 100 percent."

Cook noted he expects Apple customers to "save time" with Apple Intelligence, using Siri as an example.

He added: "You can now have a conversation with Siri. It can perform essentially multiple steps with one request, where today it takes multiple requests for that to occur.

"Writing tools: I get so many emails, and I realize everybody’s not on email, but everybody writes. And to have an assistant proofread to make things more professional or more entertaining, or whatever you want to do, is a big thing."

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