Supreme Court to address state restrictions on gender-affirming care

The rights of transgender people have become a cultural and political lightning rod in the United States(AFP)

The Supreme Court announced Monday that it will consider state laws blocking gender-affirming care in young people.

The High Cout announced that it will address challenges to the Tennessee law that bans puberty blockers, hormone therapy and surgery for minors, NBC revealed in breaking news.

Earlier this year, the court allowed a similar law in Idaho to be enforced in part, NBC News reported at the time.

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Conservative Justice Neil Gorsuch wrote in the Idaho opinion that a lower court's decision had put the whole law on hold, which he said went “much further” tht appellants had requested. For example, U.S. District Court Judge Lynn Winmill blocked a part of the law that barred surgery “even though no party before the court had sought access to those surgeries.”

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Similar bans have been ushered in by 20 conservative states to block. treatments used to treat gender dysphoria.

The Supreme Court's debates will unfold next year during the early part of its term.

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