Air raid alarm over Israel's Ashkelon

For the first time in several weeks, an air raid siren rang out over the Israeli coastal city of Ashkelon on Monday.

According to paramedics, two people were injured as they ran into shelters in the city about 10 kilometres along the coast northwards from the Gaza Strip.

Warning sirens also sounded in towns on the edge of the Gaza Strip, according to the military.

The Palestinian terrorist group Islamic Jihad claimed responsibility for the attacks.

The Israeli military said that two missiles fired from the northern Gaza Strip had been intercepted by Israel's missile defence system.

Previously, the defence system intercepted a projectile fired from Rafah in the south of the strip.

Israel's military has been deployed in Gaza with the declared aim of destroying the Islamist Hamas movement, which was in control of the densely populated coastal territory before war broke out on October 7. The war was provoked by an unprecedented massacre by Hamas gunmen in Israeli communities near the Gaza border.

According to the Israeli military, a total of around 20,000 rockets, mortar shells and drones have been used against Israel on various fronts since the start of the war. The fronts include: the Gaza Strip, Lebanon, Syria, Iran, Iraq and Yemen.