'Biden flat out lied': Trump V.P. contender says Biden committed election interference

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North Dakota Gov. Doug Burgum (R), who remains on the vice presidential shortlist to join Donald Trump's 2024 presidential ticket, floated the prospect that President Joe Biden may have committed election interference in 2020.

Voters he's meeting in swing states want Biden to answer a few key questions when the 45th and 46th presidents face off June 27 in Atlanta, Burgam said.

"Those voters want to hear CNN ask President Biden about the border, the open border, they want to ask him about inflation — that's hurting their lives every day," he said during an appearance on Fox News while speaking with host and former Trump press secretary Kayleigh McEnany."And most importantly, they want to hear CNN ask him about why he lied to the American people in the debate four years ago."

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Burgam was pointing to Biden responding to what he apparently understood at the time when a story was snowballing about his son, Hunter Biden, involving a personal laptop with unflattering images of him and details of his eyebrow-raising business dealings.

In the October 2020 debate, Biden leaned on a letter executed by several former defense and intelligence officials stating it was orchestrated by Russia disinformation.

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The laptop's material had been dropped off at a Delaware computer shop in April 2019 and never picked up.

Its hard drive was initially brought to bear by Trump's then-personal attorney and former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani.

“There are 50 former national intelligence folks who said that what he’s accusing me of is a Russian plant,” Biden said during that debate.

The same body of former officials also stressed that they lacked specific evidence of Russian involvement, writing they were “deeply suspicious that the Russian government played a significant role in this case.”

For Burgam, the time has come for Biden to explain his answer that he ran on four years ago.

"I think they have to [ask him the question]," he said. "If they don't, toss the whole debate out the window and say that, 'It wasn't at all moderated in a way both the candidates being asked tough questions.'"

He continued to say that the question about Hunter's laptop should be the first question asked to Biden.

"This has to be the first question because it goes back to the matchup from four years ago when Biden flat out lied to the American people which is why it's crazy they are trying to lower exceptions," he said. "Joe Biden was so good at lying to the American public that they ended up with social media companies and others squashing any story.

"That is election interference by Joe Biden in 2020."

McEnany concurred, saying, "Without a doubt."

Biden wasfound guilty earlier this month on two counts of lying on a federal gun application in 2018 to secure a Colt Cobra 38SPL revolver license about not being hooked on crack.

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