Old Video Of Cop Thrashing Elderly Man In Madhya Pradesh Falsely Viral As UP

By Anmol Alphonso

An old video of a police constable physically assaulting an elderly man at Jabalpur railway station in Madhya Pradesh is being shared with a misleading claim that the incident took place in Uttar Pradesh.

BOOM found that the video is from July 2022 when it went viral and caused outrage leading to the police officer's suspension.

In viral video a police constable is kicking an elderly man in his face and punching him, at a railway platform.

The 28 seconds video was posted on X by a parody handle impersonating YouTuber Dhruv Rathee with the caption, "Uttar Pradesh is heading towards a Jungle Raaj. Just look at how the Police is beating the old Man mercilessly. Mob lynching, Bulldozer on Homes of Innocent Muslims is common in UP now."

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Also Read:Jalgaon Rape-Murder: Video Of Cops Injured By Mob Shared With Communal Spin


BOOM found that the incident occurred in July 2022 when the same video went viral, showing a Madhya Pradesh police constable assaulting an elderly man at Jabalpur railway station.

Taking a hint from replies to the post stating that the video is old, we ran a keyword search and found several news reports on the incident stating that it is from Jabalpur, Madhya Pradesh.

The Indian Express reported that the incident according to Jabalpur Government Railway Police (GRP), occurred on July 27, 2022, at around 3 pm when the constable, identified as Anand Sharma, was heading back to Rewa from Jabalpur after submitting a case diary at the high court. The report further added that according to the police, the elderly man, identified as Gopal Prasad, allegedly hurled abuses at the constable in an inebriated state.

Sharma was later suspended and the GRP booked him for assault and criminal intimidation after the video of him thrashing and dragging the elderly man at Jabalpur railway station went viral on social media.

The same visuals in the viral video can be seen in the news report below.

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