Cyclist and drivers complain of chippings mess after Hertfordshire Highways starts resurfacing work on A1184 in Sawbridgeworth

Drivers have been joined by a cyclist in criticising road surfacing by Hertfordshire County Council which left a major route through Sawbridgeworth a dusty track.

The A1184 Harlow Road from the Essex border at Harlow Mill to Pishiobury Drive, Sawbridgeworth was closed overnight on Sunday for the start of a resurfacing scheme carried out by Herts.

The road has been subject to complaints by drivers for the past few years over its potholed surface.

After the first night of work the road was reopened but was subject to a 20mph speed limit as it was “dressed” with stone chippings.

Cyclist Graham Palmer said when he went to join the road from Redricks Road, he was “met by a sea of chippings”.

“I got off my bike and carried it across the road and the footpath was full of chippings,” he said. “There’s no thought for cyclists.”

Some residents posting on the Sawbridgeworth Facebook Group described it as “an appalling job” and “embarrassing”.

Others were pleased to see the road finally being repaired and are glad it is only being closed overnight.

Sawbridgeworth county council member Eric Buckmaster told the Indie on Monday it was the first night of work and was the initial surface conditions.

“It will bed down, and the contractors will ensure it does, so that the after care and re-lining can take place,” he added.

A small section of Cambridge Road, further along the A1184 in Spellbrook is also subject to overnight closure for resurfacing.