Major record labels seek damages from AI music generators

Major record labels, including Universal Music Group (UMG) and Warner Music Group, are among those suing two AI startups' music generators.

Trade group The Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA) has filed two lawsuits against Suno AI and Uncharted Labs Inc., the developer of Udio AI, for allegedly training their models with copyrighted tracks.

It is seeking a whopping $150,000 “per work infringed" for the labels.

Mitch Glazier, chief executive officer of the RIAA, commented: “The music community has embraced AI, and we are already partnering and collaborating with responsible developers to build sustainable AI tools centered on human creativity that put artists and songwriters in charge.

“But we can only succeed if developers are willing to work together with us. Unlicensed services like Suno and Udio that claim it’s ‘fair’ to copy an artist’s life’s work and exploit it for their own profit without consent or pay set back the promise of genuinely innovative AI for us all.”

Suno’s co-founder and CEO Mikey Shulman insists they do not allow users to put the specific names of artists into their search to create songs.

He told TIME: “We would have been happy to explain this to the corporate record labels that filed this lawsuit (and in fact, we tried to do so), but instead of entertaining a good faith discussion, they’ve reverted to their old lawyer-led playbook."

Udio - which is the brainchild of former Google DeepMind researchers and engineers - has yet to respond.

Users are able to create songs for free but there are also paid-for subscriptions.

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