Some 100 Ukrainians caught trying to flee abroad, organizers arrested

Ukrainian security forces have prevented 100 men in the Odessa region in the south of the country from illegally fleeing.

Last Friday, 47 men travelling together in four minibuses were stopped on their way to the border, the state investigation office announced on Tuesday. A further 53 men were stopped on their way to a meeting point from where they were to be driven to the border, bypassing checkpoints and crossing it on foot.

The Odessa region borders on the Republic of Moldova, and the Danube forms the border with neighbouring Romania. All those over the age of 25 who could be conscripted for the war have been transferred to the local district defence office.

The two groups that organized the attempted escape reportedly collected the equivalent of between €4,600 and €17,000 ($5,000 - $18,250) from each man.

Social media posts were used to advertize to would-be escapees. The organizers, who include a police officer, have been provisionally arrested. They face up to nine years in prison.

Ukraine has been fending off a Russian invasion for more than two years. Men between the ages of 18 and 60 who are fit for military service can only leave the country in exceptional circumstances.

The authorities say dozens are still trying to flee every day. Due to high casualties, a stricter draft registration for men fit for military service has been in force since mid-May.

There have been increasing reports of escape attempts and forced recruitment, sometimes using brutal methods.