Mystery diarist adds fake dates to Wisbech Town Council events calendar

A series of ‘fake’ diary dates have been added to a town council’s website this morning (Tuesday).

It seems they appeared around mid-morning on the Wisbech Town Council’s website calendar of events page.

The calendar allows local people to add dates of events in the town and surrounding area.

A series of fake events have appeared on the Wisbech Town Council website calendar.

However, someone appears to have taken it a step too far with their raft of made-up events, which include the ‘The Wisbech Poo Clean-up Day’ ‘scheduled’ for next month.

Among the other fake dates for your diary is the ‘Great Pencil Eraser Exhibition’ on Sunday, June 30.

This says, the mystery diarist, includes “a lecture on the origins of pencil erasers, including detailed discussions on different types of erasers”.

Wisbech Poo Clean-up Day was one of the fake dates added to Wisbech Town Council's website calendar.

Other highlights of this full-day event include an eraser usage demonstration where participants can enjoy a “hands-on session” to practice erasing on various types of paper.

If this is not to your taste, how about the ‘Annual Stationery Inventory Audit Day’? Event highlights include an introductory speech on the “importance of accurate stationery audits in maintaining office efficiency”.

The hands-on session for this pretend event will see “participants counting and logging items such as paper clips, sticky notes, pens, and pencils. Emphasis on precision and consistency”.

The Great Pencil Eraser Exhibition was among the more imaginative of the fake diary entries.

It adds: “This event is designed to be the ultimate in mundane, focusing on the intricate and monotonous task of stationery inventory auditing.”

Next month the fake events also include ‘John Smith’s – Ultimate Sesh’, where participants are encouraged to drink as many ‘tinnies’ of the beer as they can in three hours.

Councillor Sam Hoy, the council’s chair of community events and festivals committee, said: “I’m gobsmacked by this to be honest. We allow people to access the calendar to add their events as a useful service to the town. It is upsetting that someone has abused that with these mostly jokey events.

The Annual Stationery Inventory Audit Day includes a 'small exhibit showing the evolution of stationery items through the years'.

“Although one or two of them are in poor taste.”

Coun Hoy was also quick to point out that the calendar is open to the public to use, and therefore the website had not been hacked.

Among the events was one with a more adult sense of humour attached to it.

She was also to swift act to delete the fake dates as soon as she was alerted to their existence by the Fenland Citizen.