JFK's brother asked CIA director if they assassinated the president, family says

On November 22, 1963, John F. Kennedy, the 35th President of the United States, was assassinated during a parade in Dallas, Texas. In a recent episode of the Shawn Ryan Show, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. discusses the crime and conspiracies surrounding it.

Shawn Ryan is Vigilance Elite founder and host of the hit Podcast, The Shawn Ryan Show, available on Spotify. Shawn is a former US Navy Seal and CIA contractor, who started the show to document the untold stories of war, loss and redemption. Widening its program to explore topics and guests in society, culture and current events. With Ryan’s background, it’s no surprise he wanted to explore one of the biggest conspiracy theories of our time that relates to the CIA. In his latest episode he invites on guest Politician Robert F. Kennedy Jr., nephew of the late JFK, to discuss whether the CIA really were responsible for the assassination.

The conspiracy that has gripped a nation

Photo by Anna Moneymaker/Getty Images

True-crime enthusiasts will already be familiar with the story, but for those of you who are new to dipping your toes in the conspiracy pool, here’s a bit of background on the event.

John F. Kennedy was riding in a presidential motorcade through Dealy Plaza in Dallas, Texas. It was on November 22, 1963 when Kennedy was shot while in his vehicle by former U.S Marine Lee Harvey Oswald. Oswald was apprehended by law enforcement shortly after.

On November 24, while moving Oswald he was also fatally shot. The Warren Commission, tasked with the investigation, concluded Oswald killed Kennedy and was no part of a conspiracy.

This assassination has spawned numerous conspiracy theories, including the involvement of the CIA, or an FBI cover up.

‘The mother of all conspiracies,’ has the nation divided, research shows that the majority of Americans believe there was a conspiracy to kill the president, but can’t agree on exactly who by.

After JFK’s death, his wife Jackie retreated from the spotlight, in her home, which became her fortress.

JFK’s brother’s initial instinct was the CIA were involved

Robert F. Kennedy Jr., son of Robert F. Kennedy and nephew to the late president, shared his views on the assassination and the surrounding conspiracy. Talking to Shawn Ryans, Kennedy discusses some of the other controversies surrounding the CIA at the time, such as Operation Mockingbird and Project MK Ultra. Kennedy is not afraid to show his negative outlook on the CIA throughout the interview.

RFK Jr.’s opinions mirror that of his late father’s, brother of the president, he says.

“My father was walking at the bottom of the hill with John McCone when I got home, who’s the CIA director, one of the first people to get to the house.” Relays RFK Jr., “My father said to him ‘Did your people do this?’ His initial instinct was that the CIA had killed his brother.”

We might never know the truth of what happened that day, but this interview has certainly got true-crime fans discussing the event again.

“This is an incredible thing that Shawn Ryan actually got JFK’s nephew for an interview and then, on top of that, have him talk on his uncle’s assassination. This is incredible,” said a fan.

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