People 'never want to drink tap water again' after seeing it under a microscope

Have you ever wondered what the water you drink contains? Well, some people claim they ‘never want to drink tap water again’ after seeing it under a microscope with what appears to be microorganisms floating about.

A viral TikTok video takes a close look at various forms of water under a microscope, from the tap and bottled water to rainwater, and it even compares US with the UK. Although the United States reportedly has one of the safest and most reliable drinking water systems in the world, the results are shocking and have alarmed many viewers.

People ‘never want to drink tap water again’ after seeing it under a microscope

A scientific content creator, known as on TikTok, dedicates their platform to taking a closer look at various things under a microscope.

The creator examines tap water (which is widely believed to be located in the US) under a microscopic view, and the clip seemingly shows live microorganisms moving around, with a worm-like figure in one of the shots.

Having reached over a whopping 20 million views, the viral clip seems to have alarmed some people, making them hesitant to drink tap water.

A user in the comment section reacted in shock and announced that they are now “terrified of water,” while another added: “I never want to drink water ever again.”

Microorganisms can be found almost anywhere on Earth. NASA states that wherever there are humans, there are microbes, too. Bacteria and fungi live all around humans, in homes, offices, industrial areas, the outdoors – even in space. People could not live without these tiny organisms, many of which are beneficial. But there are instances in what shouldn’t be in your water, just like the microplastics that were found in bottled water recently.

To ensure the water you drink is safe, Aquatiere explains that water should be clear with no odor or different taste. If it tastes metallic, smells fishy or is cloudy, this could be a sign of danger.

Some people prefer to invest in a water filter system, to ensure their tap water is not only safe for their health, but also making it even better-tasting.

While many people prefer to only drink bottled water instead of tap water, there are some hidden dangers of drinking bottled water when it has gone warm, that you should be aware of.

While some people speculated the rainwater contains parasites, many viewers noted that this could be because the sample was possibly taken directly from the ground.

One user in the comment section argued: “It defeats the purpose when you get the rainwater from the ground.”

Another comment agreed: “Would’ve been more accurate if you caught the rainwater in a sterile container and not from the dirty ground.”

Viewers skeptical over the US and UK samples

Another of their videos, viewing tap water reportedly from the US and UK under a microscope, rose suspicions from viewers, because it is not clear how the samples of each location were accurately taken.

Don’t be fooled by what you see on social media! The United States has one of the safest and most reliable drinking water systems in the world, as per CDC.

Brita states that according to Discover Water, British tap water is said to be one of the best water supplies in the world, with a quality rating of 99.96%. So both US and UK water should be safe to drink.

According to federal and state laws, CDC explains that public water utilities must provide water that meets certain quality and safety standards for drinking. However, tap water is not sterile, meaning it might have germs in. Even when the public water system is working correctly, a few germs that naturally occur in the environment can still be in the water.

While a lot of bacteria can be beneficial, Minnesota Department of Health states that bacteria are everywhere in our environment (including surface waters and groundwater) and some of these bacteria can be harmful to human health. Drinking water with disease-causing bacteria, viruses, or parasites (collectively called pathogens) can make you sick.

The presence of coliform bacteria, specifically E. coli (a type of coliform bacteria), in drinking water suggests the water may contain pathogens that can cause diarrhea, vomiting, cramps, nausea, headaches, fever, fatigue, and even death.

To sum up, some people suggest it is a good idea to use a water filter before drinking from the tap. Boiling your drinking water can eliminate bacteria in the water.