'CNN silenced a woman': Trump campaign won't stop whining about spokesperson being cut off

Real America's Voice/screen grab

Trump campaign surrogates continued complaining Tuesday after a CNN anchor cut off campaign press secretary Karoline Leavitt earlier in the week.

In a Tuesday interview on the pro-MAGA network Real America's Voice, Trump's campaign deputy communications director, Caroline Sunshine, used the segment from the day before to attack CNN and its debate moderators.

Sunshine began by suggesting gender played a part in CNN anchor Kasie Hunt's decision to end the interview with Leavitt.

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"Yes, well, yesterday we watched in real-time as CNN silenced a woman for telling the truth about Jake Tapper," she asserted. "Kasie Hunt is a lightweight."

"She couldn't even handle being in the ring for two minutes with my colleague Karoline Leavitt before she so rudely cut her off because the truth is triggering to CNN, isn't it?"

Sunshine argued that the incident on CNN was a "metaphor" for a New York judge's decision not to rescind altogether a limited order gagging Trump on topics related to a hush-money trial.

"The same thing CNN did to Karoline Leavitt yesterday by cutting off her mic really is what the sham Judge Merchan just did by keeping President Trump's unconstitutional gag order partially in place," she opined.

Sunshine said Leavitt was "just stating the facts" before launching her attack on Tapper.

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"She was simply stating the facts and sharing the truth that Jake Tapper has a long-established history of anti-Trump remarks," Trump's surrogate insisted. "Jake Tapper has compared President Trump to Adolf Hitler. This is something he said while he was employed at CNN. It's something he said while he was on the air at CNN.

"Is this something CNN is embarrassed by? Is this something that CNN doesn't stand by?"

Sunshine argued that CNN was "the coward news network."

"The only time they get ratings is when President Trump comes on or anybody from our campaign," she claimed.

Tapper's comparison between Trump and Adolf Hitler came after the Republican presidential candidate said immigrants were "poisoning" the country. Tapper noted at the time that Hitler had used similar language.

Watch the video below from Real America's Voice or at this link.

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