Kaze no Garden

Used as the setting for a popular Japanese drama, Kaze no Garden (Garden of Wind) continues to attract fans of the show and flowers in general. Located on the grounds of the New Furano Prince Hotel, Kaze no Garden gives you a taste of a traditional English garden in Hokkaido. The garden is home to over 20,000 plants representing over 450 varieties of flowers.

Seasonal Blooms at Kaze no Garden

Photo by: PIXTA/ H. Toyo

After walking through the simple archway entrance, visitors will see a large sign displaying the many species of plant life they can encounter. This sign changes seasonally depending on what flowers are currently in bloom. Continue your stroll through the landscape and find plenty of trees, wild grasses, bushes and flowers dispersed around the grounds.

Depending on when you plan to visit, you’ll be treated to an array of different flowers. During May and June, you’ll see tulips of all colors, ornamental onions and lungworts. The summer months bring out the pinks, whites and fuchsia of phlox and mullein’s five-petalled yellow flowers. September to October welcome the pale blues of asters and yellowy-orange heleniums.

For Fans of the J-Drama

Photo by: PIXTA/ BIN

The popular Japanese drama Kaze no Garden follows the life of Shiratori Sadami. Working as a well-renowned anesthesiologist at a Tokyo hospital, he encounters hardships after the passing of his wife and family troubles. Shiratori leads a life of fame in the workplace but ruins his personal life. In the final stages of his life, he ends up in his Hokkaido hometown, where he attempts to rebuild his familial relationships.

Near the back of Kaze no Garden, you’ll find a single-story house nicknamed the Green House. This is the same one used in the drama, and visitors can go inside. The interior has been left as decorated as it was in the drama. Fans of the show can also purchase goods related to the drama. Buy some seedlings from Rui to Gaku no Naedoko (Rui and Gaku’s Seedbed), named after the protagonist’s two children.

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