Trump Campaign Demands Democratic PAC Take Down 'False' Ad That 'Appears to Violate' the Ku Klux Klan Act

Anna Moneymaker / Getty Images

Former President Donald Trump's presidential campaign sent a letter Tuesday to a Pennsylvania-based Democrat-aligned political action committee demanding it take down a digital ad calling on Trump supporters not to vote by mail-in ballot.

The 30-second spot begins with the words on screen superimposed over a picture of Trump saying, "MAGA Patriots Listen to Our President!"

The ad includes past clips of Trump questioning the integrity of mail-in voting, which was his concern in 2020 when several states, including Pennsylvania, changed election procedures to facilitate mass voting by mail during the pandemic.

The Trump campaign sent a cease-and-desist letter to the super PAC Pennsylvania Values saying its ad is in violation of multiple federal laws, including the Ku Klux Klan Act.

“We are aware of your advertisement falsely claiming that President Trump has asked Pennsylvania voters not to vote by mail. This advertisement may constitute both a criminal and civil conspiracy to injure the rights of President Trump’s supporters to cast their ballots in Pennsylvania,” the letter from Trump campaign attorney David Warrington to Pennsylvania Values treasurer Maria L. Galdo begins.

“Cease and desist broadcasting, or otherwise distributing via the internet or elsewhere, this false advertisement immediately and preserve all relevant documents in anticipation of likely litigation.”