Gallant: Israel's relations with US intact despite disagreements

US Secretary of Defence Lloyd Austin (2nd R) receives Minister of Defence of Israel Yoav Gallant (L) ahead of their meeting at the Pentagon. Ariel Hermoni/IMoD/dpa

Israel and the United States remain united, despite disagreements, Israeli Defence Minister Yoav Gallant said in Washington where he held talks with his US counterpart Lloyd Austin and other US administration members on Wednesday.

Referring to criticism of US arms deliveries voiced by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Gallant said: "In every family – and we consider the American people our family – disagreements may arise. Yet like all families, we discuss our disagreements in-house, and remain united."

Netanyahu has repeatedly used strong language in criticizing the US for allegedly withholding arms deliveries, charging on Sunday that there had been a "dramatic drop in the supply of armaments from the US to Israel."

Benny Gantz, until recently a minister in the Israeli war Cabinet, offered his support to Gallant, saying that over recent months they had resolved many problems with Israel's friends behind closed doors, including the ammunition issue, in a statement issued on Wednesday.

"The needless conflict that the prime minister creates for political reasons may secure him a few points from his supporters, but harm the strategic relationship with the US, which is an integral component of our capacity to win the war," Gantz said.

The US has withheld certain deliveries to Israel in an effort to force a moderation of the offensive around Rafah in the south of the Gaza Strip.

US Secretary of Defence Lloyd Austin (2nd R) meets Minister of Defence of Israel Yoav Gallant (3rd L) at the Pentagon. Ariel Hermoni/IMoD/dpa

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